China -  Chinese law firm


Edward Lehman


Managing Director


Bejing Office


(86)(10) 8532 1919 ext 232


(86)(10) 8532 1999


Edward Lehman is a Mainland China & Mongolia Legal Professional working 27+consecutive years in Mainland China. Edward LEHMAN 雷曼律师法学博士 Managing Director, Corporate Commercial, fintech, IP, tax and finance Foreign Legal Counsel, is the only private-practice lawyer in China appointed State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA) 国家外国专家局 an agency State Council 中华人民共和国国务院, Legal Affairs Commentator CCTV/CGTN 中央电视台, Fellow Chinese Academy Social Sciences (CASS)中国社会科学院 the only Central government think tank organization of State Council 中华人民共和国国务院 ; Adjunct faculty Tsinghua University 清华大学 China University Politics & Law 中国政法大学; Board of Directors Faculty of Law, Shanghai JiaoTong U. 上海交通大学; Fulbright Fellow Shanghai Fudan University 复旦大学 at direction of United States Information Agency (USIA) program established American Studies Department, Fudan. China legal adviser World Bank 世界银行, first foreign lawyer approved to work at Chinese law firm 雷曼律师事务所, elected Governor American Chamber Commerce by American business community Beijing & Shanghai. Founder (with son US President George HW Bush 老布什 & younger brother US President George W Bush 小布什) stakeholder LehmanBush 雷曼布什投资公司 PE firm; early adapter ICO, blockchain, cryptocurrency, digital asset, fintech.  Email:; Wechat 微信:13511020522 Skype: elehman

                   o    LehmanBrown ® International Accountants

                   o    LEHMAN, LEE & XU MONGOLIAN LAWYERS

                   o    LEHMAN, LEE & XU China Lawyers

                   o    Lehman Bush Investment and Fund Management Company

                   o    Locke Lord LLP

                   o    SNR Denton

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