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Lehman, Lee & Xu - China Patents in the news

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In the News

Apple faces more patent law suits in China

Zhi Zhen Internet Technology created voice tech for the Lenovo smart TV and registered a patent for a chatting robot system to be an assistant, provide information and talk. The company approached a Shanghai court in June and is not asking for compensation for the infringement of it's patent.

Another Chinese company, Jiangsu Xuebao Consumer Goods, claims that Apple is using it's name, Xuebao means 'snow leopard'

Patent hoarding is becoming big business as the original intent and reason for society granting patents in the first place, during the previous industrial revolution, no longer exists in the same formats. The information revolution urgently requires that society evolves patent laws to protect consumers from extreme exploitation that technology offers copyright and patent holders during the information revolution age.

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Edward Lehman 雷曼律师
Managing Director 董事长

Lehman, Lee & Xu is a top-tier Chinese law firm specializing in corporate, commercial, intellectual property, and labor and employment matters. For further information on any issue discussed in this edition of China Patents In The News or for all other enquiries, please e-mail us at mail@lehmanlaw.com or visit our website at www.lehmanlaw.com and Mongolia www.lehmanlaw.mn.

Lehman, Lee & Xu Mongolia is one of the first and only international law firms with a full time presence in Mongolia.  Our Ulaanbaatar office is staffed with resident foreign legal consultants having significant experience in Mongolia and qualified Mongolian attorneys. The firm’s foreign legal consultants and local attorneys are fully acquainted and experienced with Mongolia’s laws and legal system, business climate and political affairs. For any Mongolian legal matters please refer to our Mongolian website www.lehmanlaw.mn.

© Lehman, Lee & Xu 2012.
This document has been created for educational purposes for clients, potential clients and referrers of services to Lehman, Lee & Xu, and to alert readers to the services provided by Lehman, Lee & Xu. It is not intended to serve as definitive professional or legal advice, and should not be relied upon as such. Lehman, Lee & Xu does not endorse any personal opinions which may be contained herein.
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