China Green Insights
Providing you with insights into the latest developments of China's environmental laws and policies

July 2009

US & China Getting Along Leading up to Copenhagen Negotiations: U.S. Senator John Kerry, chairman of the powerful Senate foreign relations committee, spoke in Beijing recently about the ongoing dialogue leading up to Copenhagen...More...

GM & SAIC Strengthen Partnership: Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. has recently announced it will use the same fuel cell system that powers the Equinox, an automobile made by General Motors...More...

New Environmental Tax Measures Issued by MEP: On 20 March 2009, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued the Measures for the Acceleration of the Policy Reform and Innovation of Environmental Taxes and Fees, reforming the environmental tax regime... More...

Protecting Coastal Land: Tianjin, located some 120 kilometers from Beijing and the biggest port in northern China, is the subject of a new Sino-Japanese forestation project... More...

New Proposal to Reduce Emissions: As the capital of Hubei Province in central China, and a hub of heavy industrial activity, Wuhan is the proposed site for a new national-level trading market...More...

An overview of the new Food Safety Law: The Food Safety Law was promulgated on February 28, 2009 and entered into force on June 1, 2009. The new law is meant to create a more comprehensive framework for the management and control of the food industry in China...More...

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